Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

From time to time, MFBRP is able to help coordinate graduate student projects that help achieve MFBRP project goals. These projects are co-advised through an external university adviser and MFBRP. Financial responsibilities are up to the student, but MFBRP may be able to help identify and procure funds. MFBRP may be able to provide housing, office space, data support, field logistics, and equipment. Each student and project is reviewed on a case by case basis. For more information, please contact Possible projects include: Nakula Natural Area Reserve forest bird and/or mosquito disease prevalence study. Kiwikiu and Maui Alauahio diet studies using fecal samples to analyze diet overlaps between native and non-native forest bird species. Hawaii State Bird Count survey data analyses examining changes in population estimates for native and non-native forest bird species. Iiwi (USFWS ESA candidate species) breeding biology and population assessment on east Maui. Habitat selection analyses for Kiwikiu to examine micro-habitat selection criteria within the core and edge of the Kiwikiu population range. Cost effective cat control in east Haleakala forests.


For more information about Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project and this opportunity please visit our website at , contact us at or via email at

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