Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

 Our kūpuna have taught us that rain follows the forest. This rain then becomes the fresh water that initiates and sustains all life. The quantity and quality of our water is dependent on the health and well being of the forest.

Kūmokuhāliʻi is the forest. Kiaʻi – propagators, planters, and practitioners – are those that are committed to the protection and restoration of Kūmokuhāliʻi. Our community days are focused on building a hui of kiaʻi Kūmokuhāliʻi.

Community Days are open to volunteers of all ages wanting to do something proactive for their island home. We do a variety of restoration activities from planting to seed cleaning, depending on needs of the site. We also share in a potluck lunch in order to build our relationships to people along with place. 

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Emily Leucht

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