Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

We'll be outplanting native species into our ʻAiea exclosure.

Feel free to pass along this invitation to anyone else who may be interested!

The day will begin at 8:00 a.m. at Hiker check-in station and end by 4:00 p.m.

8:00  Meet at Hiker Check-in: Introduction to Place
8:30   Head to the ʻAiea unit
9:00   Work orientation. Hana!! Outplant native species!
12:00 pm  Lunch
12:30  Continue to outplant native species!
3:15    Pau hana, put away all tools. Drive back to hiker check-in station
4:00    A hui hou kākou! 

We'll be outplanting native species into the ʻAiea exclosure. Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC) will also be planting with us. 

**Terrain is uneven with over grown vegetation. Weather can be hot and sunny or cold and rainy. The last bathroom stop will be at the hiker check-in**


ʻAiea (4x4 is required if wanting to bring your personal vehicle)

Please email ( or call (808) 209-0596 to RSVP. 

Please bring lunch 
Plenty of water: multiple bottles please!
Sun protection
Rain gear
Sturdy hiking boots/shoes (closed-toe)are required

Space is limited due to 4x4 vehicle transportation. You may bring your own personal 4x4 if you'd like. Please note in the RSVP if you plan on doing that, and if you are able to open seating to other volunteers, that'd be much appreciated. Mahalo nui!

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