Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

At Diamond Head State Monument, we have a couple of volunteer programs; one will be educating the general public about our natural and historical resources (flexible scheduling), and the other volunteer program (scheduled only the first and third Saturday of the month) will be weeding, pruning, and removing invasive species as assigned by the Park Ranger.

Tools  and gloves are provided for all volunteers. 

Working within Diamond Head, the weather can get very hot and dry, and the terrain is often uneven. Come prepared to work in the sun and do moderate to heavy lifting/carrying. Here are some rules to follow, and items that all volunteers are required to bring:

-->> Rules:

1. Follow all rules of the park while you volunteer

2. Stay within the designated work area unless specified by Park Ranger

3. Please be aware of your surroundings, and other volunteers, when using tools

4. Be sure to clean all tools, and work area, at the end of work day

-->> Remember to bring the following items:

• Water bottle • Hat • Shoes • Work pants • Work shirt (T-Shirt OK) • Sunscreen 


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