Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

Started in the summer of 2012, this project is working to remove invasive species from Hakipu'u head-water spring areas and reforest with native plant species. Native plant species help reduce the amount of sediment entering Hakipu'u Stream and ultimately Kaneohe Bay. Enclosure fencing installed on the project protects native vegetation from domestic cattle and wild pigs.

This project is largely volunteer based. Volunteers will be provided with a cultural and ecological history of the site, project goals, identification of native species, proper planting techniques, and a safety briefing.  Volunteers must wear close-toe shoes and work clothes that they don't mind getting dirty, a 15 minute hike is required to reach the work site, bring a water bottle, snack and sun/rain protection, all tools will be provided.  This event is ideal for hardworking volunteer age ten and over.

For more info and to RSVP, please visit

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