Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

Description of Outreach Opportunity: 

The He'eia Estuary Restoration Project, located on He'eia State Park (currently managed by Kama 'āina Kids), will take place at the mouth of He'eia Stream in an approximately four acre area dominated by non-native species including mangrove and hau bush where both species have encroached on the stream corridor and made it nearly impassable.
“We are excited to begin this new project as a compliment to our past four years of work in Ha'iku Valley with Papahana Kuaola to restore over 4,000 feet of stream corridor along the upper reaches of He'eia Stream” says HOK Executive Director Kristen Nalani Mailheau.  

Invasive species removal work at the He'eia Estuary Restoration Project began in April 2015 with the removed of material which was later chipped and composted on site.  This re-use of organic material aids in weed suppression, limits exposure and erosion of bare soils and adds nutrients to the soil to prepare for the out-planting of native species during monthly volunteer workdays.  Native plant species aid in erosion control, filtration of storm water runoff and provide habitat for native species.  

HOK works alongside project supporter and neighbor Paepae o He'eia, a non-profit managing the 88 acre He'eia Fishpond, to coordinate monthly volunteer workdays and educational visits.  Volunteers of all ages can expect to get muddy and wet while learning about the history of the area, helping to remove invasive plants and replanting native plants. 

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