Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

Pahole is a Natural Area Reserve (NAR) located in the Waianae mountain range. It is a diverse low land mesic forest that is home to many rare and endangered species.  It was established in 1981 as part of the NARs mission to preserve and protect representative examples of Hawaiian ecosystems and geological formations. Due to heavy pressure by non-native species and agriculture it is estimated that only 10% of Hawaii’s native low land ecosystems are still in existence.

What we will do:

·         Non-native species control 

What to Wear:  Cloths you do mind getting dirty!

·         Long sleeves

·         Long pants

·         Covered shoes/ boots/ gators (NO SLIPPERS!)


What to bring:

·         Lunch and snacks

·         Water (at least 2L)

·         Sunscreen/ hat

·         Rain gear ( if you have it)

For more information or to sign up for this event please visit our iVolunteer website

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