Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

Join us, Hawaii DLNR (Department of Land and Natural Resources)Keep Puako Beautiful next weekend on SAT June 8th to celebrate World Ocean's Day at Hāpuna State Beach Park on Hawai'i Island.

Keep Puakō Beautiful will be hosting an ongoing beach cleanup starting from 7:30am and we will have a booth alongside many local NGOs from 9:00am - 2pm and will have special NEW games / activities focusing on #plasticpollution (and solutions!) starting at 10am. Come swing by, lend a hand, learn / share and meet two of our environmental education team members, Bri and Nic, and play a debris toss and sink / float game or come dissect an albatross bolus courtesy of volunteers working on Kure and Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge.

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