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Please join us for a day of non-native species removal at Mount Kaala

Mount Kaala is a Natural Area Reserve (NAR) on the top of the Waianae mountain range.  Its summit is the highest point of Oahu reaching over 4,000 ft in elevation. The goal of the NAR is to preserve and protect representative examples of Hawaiian ecosystems and geological formations.

This mountain top bog is home to many of Hawaii’s rare and endemic species. The summit often experiences frequent cloud cover and fog, but offers panoramic view s of the north shore and leeward coast. The boardwalk will lead you through a stunted wet forest thick with vegetation, moss and ferns.    


What we will do:

  • Remove non-native moss Sphagnum palustre


What to Wear:  Cloths you do mind getting dirty!

  • Long sleeves
  • Long pants
  • Covered shoes/ galoshes or gators (NO SLIPPERS!)


What to bring:

  • Lunch and snacks
  • Water (at least 2L)
  • Sunscreen/ hat
  • Rain gear ( if you have it)

For more information or to sign up for this event please visit our iVolunteer website

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