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On Saturday October 3rd, Eyes of the Reef in collaboration with DLNR’s Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) are promoting a statewide coral bleaching reporting event.  
On Saturday October 3rd for the "Bleachapolooza" on Kauai, you can go out and observe the percentage of bleached coral at any reef you choose and then report this on the Eyes of the Reef website at  It is best if you can attend the training on October 1st as we will be explaining how to identify the coral bleaching, how to estimate the percentage, and how to fill out the reports online.
I will be leading a group of volunteers at Makua Beach, "Tunnels", from 9am for the Saturday event, ocean conditions permitting of course.  All experienced snorkelers are invited to join us on the survey at Makua.  If you plan to join us at Makua, please send me an email to let me know so that I can notify you if there is a change in plans due to ocean conditions.
Also on Saturday, Katie Nalesere the DAR Education Outreach Specialist, will be leading a group of snorkelers at Poipu Beach Park, if you will be joining Katie please contact her at
Please keep in mind that this event is a volunteer activity and Eyes of the Reef is not responsible for your safety.  The ocean can be dangerous, "if in doubt don't go out."
To read more you can also visit the DLNR and EOR Facebook pages.

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