Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

HOW TO SIGN-UP: Please have each participant sign the online waiver here:

Join 808 CLEANUPS for our monthly stewardship work at Nimitz Beach to remove illegal dumping, litter and invasive plants. Supplies and tools provided. Wear sunscreen, sturdy closed-toe shoes. Bring lots of water.

Meet where the Coast Guard Airfield comes closest to the ocean. Park along concrete barricades ocean/makai side.

SCHOOL/SERVICE HOURS: We DO sign your hours- must arrive PROMPTLY and work DILIGENTLY during entire two hours to receive full credit.

ADOPT A SITE Support: After the cleanup, you'll have the opportunity to get oriented in our Adopt a Site program. We'll discuss how to get involved, areas that need help, and you'll receive supplies to get you started right then and there!

QUESTIONS/Point of Contact: Judi Fenton Plumer, 808-551-0583,

Sign In
