Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

As of April 2019, HWF and volunteers have removed over 268 tons of marine debris and plastic pollution from the shores of Hawai'i Island. Please come share in this volunteer milestone, ... and learn more about how YOU can reduce the amount of single-use plastics in your life with these upcoming community cleanup events on:

SUN June 16th (Ka'u community cleanup - location TBD, likely Kamilo - limited space avail, RSVP soon)

Meet-up times / locales change depending on the cleanup venue!!

Please bring:
- Bag lunch/snacks for the whole day
- Re-fillable water bottle (we will have re-fills)
- Any other beverage you may want (coconut water, etc.) --> think ZERO WASTE (see for more info!)
- Sturdy footware (no slippahs please!)
- Sun/wind protection (sunglasses, hat, longsleeve shirt, sunscreen, etc. - we will have reef-safe sunscreen to share)
- A positive attitude and flexibility!
- Swimsuit (if you'd like to jump in after lunch)
- Work gloves (if you have your own favorite pair)

Tentative Cleanup Itinerary:
8:30AM – Meet up spot
8:45 – Morning briefing and caravan to the beach
10:30 – Arrive at coastline and OLI KOMO
10:35 – 12:00 Cleanup activities
12:00 Lunch
12:15 – 14:00 More cleanup, load up and hike to cars (if needed)
14:00 – 15:15 Pack up and drive back to Waiʻōhinu
15:15 – 15:30 Dump run for debris and recyclables ;)
~ 15:30PM (may be later!) – PAU

For more info or to RSVP please contact HWF's Art & Cleanup Coordinator, Mattie Mae Larson @ or check out our website at

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