Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

SUN June 16th (Ka'u community cleanup - location TBD, likely Kamilo - limited space avail, RSVP soon)

Meet-up times / locales change depending on the cleanup venue!!

Please bring:
- Bag lunch/snacks for the whole day
- Re-fillable water bottle (we will have re-fills)
- Any other beverage you may want (coconut water, etc.) --> think ZERO WASTE (see for more info!)
- Sturdy footware (no slippahs please!)
- Sun/wind protection (sunglasses, hat, longsleeve shirt, sunscreen, etc. - we will have reef-safe sunscreen to share)
- A positive attitude and flexibility!
- Swimsuit (if you'd like to jump in after lunch)
- Work gloves (if you have your own favorite pair)

Tentative Cleanup Itinerary:
8:30AM – Meet up spot
8:45 – Morning briefing and caravan to the beach
10:30 – Arrive at coastline and OLI KOMO
10:35 – 12:00 Cleanup activities
12:00 Lunch
12:15 – 14:00 More cleanup, load up and hike to cars (if needed)
14:00 – 15:15 Pack up and drive back to Waiʻōhinu
15:15 – 15:30 Dump run for debris and recyclables ;)
~ 15:30PM (may be later!) – PAU

For more info or to RSVP please contact HWF's Art & Cleanup Coordinator, Mattie Mae Larson @ or check out our website at

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