Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

Aloha kākou,

Please join us on our next Moku'auia Service Project on Saturday, December 6th from 9-2pm.

November was a great success. We removed 28 bags of Chinese violet (1100 gal total!). The area is transforming with big patches of ‘ilima, ‘aki‘aki, ‘akulikuli, and pa‘uohi‘iaka ready to fill in the newly cleared areas. We need your help to complete the project to reduce the threat of the remaining Chinese violet.

Help make more space for natives! There is still plenty more Chinese violet to remove. 

As a bonus you’ll may see the fully feathered ‘ua‘u kani (wedge-tailed shearwater) chicks fledging from the island and maybe the long curved bill of one of our winter visitors - the kioea (Bristle-thighed curlew).

Plan on being at Malaekahana State Recreation Area from 9 - 2 pm. 
Bring lunch to enjoy on Moku'auia Island.
All participants must be able to swim. And please ask before signing up minors.
Space is limited. Send an email to to RSVP and I can send more details.  

Hope to see you!

PS. Check out this year's chick counts on our Facebook page: 
O‘ahu Offshore Island Restoration Program

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