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Executive Director/Administrator This is a part-time position without benefits. Some of the duties outlined below may change, as may the hours required, at which time this Job Description and remuneration could be re-negotiated. Fee proposals based on 30 hours to accomplish the work outlined below are due Friday August 14, 2015. Scope of Work: At the direction of the Outdoor Circle Board of Directors, the Executive Director/Administrator will: A. Work with staff to prepare for monthly BOD meetings and act as liaison between the staff and the board. B. Attend monthly BOD meetings ex officio. C. Attend weekly staff meetings in TOC’s office to: review staff activity reports which will be combined into a Staff Report for the BOD; review branch support (TOC has seven branches throughout the islands); review any compliance issues. D. Meet twice monthly with TOC’s accountant (and possibly the Treasurer) to review the financials and sign checks. E. Be available to answer staff questions, that after discussion, might be referred to TOC’s president; included are media requests for comment. F. Act as additional eyes and ears for possible environmental issues, that after discussion with staff, could be referred to TOC’s Public Affairs Committee. G. Work with the BOD Branch Representative to oversee branch relations. H. Oversee and maintain TOC’s 501 (c) 3 compliance. I. Hire outside contractor’s with direction from the BOD. J. Review and sign all contracts with direction from the BOD. K May be called on to speak in the public forum with direction from TOC’s BOD.


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