Across Oʻahu
Part Time/Contract
Pop-Up Labs for Sustainability (PULS) is building our team to bring a mobile lab (upcycled
shipping container) to schools across. We are seeking a creative, thoughtful and hard-working young professional to join us.
PULS is a new project on O’ahu (under the fiscal sponsorship of O’ahu Resource and Conservation Development Council). Our mission is to merge STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts+design, and mathematics) and sustainable learning to help young people discover their potential in these fields and inspire commitment to protecting our Earth. We believe students need to see the relevance of STEAM to the complex environmental issues
confronting people and nature and to acquire the skills they’ll need to be creative problem solvers and powerful advocates.
This is a part-time contract position that requires flexibility in your work week schedule from January – May 2020, with the possibility of extending. The candidate is required to have a car for transportation to the lab sites. This is an ideal position for a graduate student, recent graduate, or someone with a flexible work schedule.
Please send your resume to Pam Weiant, Executive Director,, if you are interested in joining our team. Please visit our website for more information,
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