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Description of Event


The Purple Prize 2019 Kickoff Day is the start of the Purple Prize Indigenous Innovation Competition on Saturday, February 2, 2019.

This event will feature a plenary at the Key Project in Kāneʻohe, Oʻahu, where business and thought leaders will share their manaʻo about place-based, indigenous innovation. After lunch, participants will visit Paepae o Heʻeia to literally “get their feet wet” working in the fishpond and learning about Native Hawaiian ancestral technologies like the loko iʻa. The day will conclude with a meal made up of ingredients sourced from Paepae o Heʻeia, giving participants a multi-sensory experience.


8:30 AM - Check in at Key Project - Light breakfast food and beverages will be available

9:00 AM - Opening Remarks and E Hō Mai

9:30 AM - Networking Activity

9:50 AM - Keynote Address - by Senator Jarrett Keohokalole, Dist. 24 (Kane‘ohe and Kailua), Chair of the State Senate Committee on Technology

10:15 AM - Deconstructing "Indigenous Innovation" - Featuring Ian Musson, Program Director, Kōkiri (NZ); Olin Lagon, CTO and Co-Founder, Shifted Energy; Dr. Kiana Frank, Professor, UH Pacific Biosciences Research Center; moderated by Donavan Kealoha, Executive Director and Co-Founder, Purple Maiʻa Founation (also Managing Director, Startup Capital Ventures)

11:10 AM - Constructing the Indigenous Innovation Economy - Featuring Keoni Lee, CEO, Hawaiʻi Investment ReadyBurt Lum, Strategy Officer, State of Hawaiʻi and Host on Hawaiʻi Public Radio's Bytemarks Cafe; James Pakele, Puʻuhonua o Waianae; moderated by Kelsey Amos, Co-Founder, Purple Maiʻa Founation

12:00 PM - Lunch

1:00 PM - Transportation to Paepae o Heʻeia

1:50 PM - ʻOli komo

1:55 PM - The History of the Paepae o Heʻeia Loko iʻa (Fishpond)

2:30 PM - Kilo (or Observation) and Loko Iʻa hana (work)

4:30 PM - Alumni Project Demonstrations and Q & A - Featuring Kiana Frank, Innovative Loko Iʻa Kilo Solutions ; Brian Glazer,

5:00 PM - Call to Action

5:15 PM - ʻAwa and Pau Hana - Pupus and Beverages (Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic) will be provided

6:45 PM - Transportation back to Key Project

7:00 PM - Pau

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How can I contact the organizer with any questions?

If you have any questions please feel free to email or call (808) 283-4128.

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