Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

Trees for Honolulu's Future is a coalition of urban and community forestry enthusiasts in Honolulu. This organization seeks to educate and coordinate the energies of all stakeholders within our community to plant and maintain trees in our urban and residential areas so we can keep Honolulu livable as the temperatures rise.
Our first major initiative will be a one-day conference on March 9 where we hope to bring together planners, landscape architects, developers, arborists, policy makers, interested nonprofits and the public to focus on this issue. Our keynote speaker will be Ian Shears, head of the successful Melbourne urban forestry program.  He and our other speakers will focus on the practical tools and strategies we may use to install and cost-effectively manage beneficial trees throughout our communities. 
We intend to set up working groups at this event to be part of a dynamic and active movement to increase our urban canopy to 35% by 2035.   

 This event is rapidly approaching so please share this opportunity with your network .  Also, please share this with other parties who you feel may be interested in this progressive and exciting event.  


Great opportunity for future foresters, arborists and anyone interested in trees, climate mitigation and green infrastructure among other things. 

Student registration is only $25 dollars


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