Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

The Laupāhoehoe Forest excursion will be a day in the lush tropical wet forest, taking participants through the unit starting at 2,300 feet (700 m) in elevation, going to almost 6,200 feet (1,890 m) in elevation, and offering a special opportunity to learn about the history, ecology, and beauty of a native-dominated tropical forest. This excursion is open to 30 people, and transportation is provided (limited group size due to access).

Timeline for the Laupāhoehoe Forest excursion:

8am – Depart Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, 60 Nowelo Street, Hilo, HI 96720

9am – HETF overview & site excursion at Kahikina Learning Center

10am – Depart Kahikina Learning Center for the forest

10:30am – Orientation/Protocol at forest edge

10:45am-3pm – “Science Learning” excursion within the forest area with midday lunch

3pm - Depart from the forest

4:30pm – Arrive back at IPIF (Nowelo Street)

What to bring:

Lunch/snacks for the full day


Water for the full day

Hiking Boots (rough terrain – mud)

Rain gear – layers to deal with changing weather conditions

Please note: wet forest conditions: Terrain can be muddy and slippery with heavy vegetation.

People with physical conditions that may limit participation in either strenuous activity or travel on rough roads should contact Tabetha Block for alternate activities.

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