Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

We are excited to announce that the 2023 Hawaiʻi Weed and Restoration Workshop is taking place on October 30th from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM HST! The event will take place at the Koʻolau Ballrooms on the island of Oʻahu. A Zoom option is available for those who cannot attend in person, or are on outer islands/out of state. Note, this is a free event.

This yearʻs Weed Control and Restoration Workshop is a space to reconvene topic-specific working groups that will jump-start the planning process for moving these issues forward, participate in hands-on training, and strategize with other natural resource professionals.

For our morning session we invite you to contribute now to a list of Weed and Restoration Best Management Practices. Using this Google Form, fill in topics for which (1) you have a BMP (in the form of a standard operating procedure (SOP)/ raining/how-to guide; (2) you don’t have a written document but you do have a standardized practice that you communicate with staff/volunteers through oral communication; and (3) topics for which feel need a BMP.

Feel free to share this survey broadly with your community of work and please try to complete the Google Form by Sept 21.

If you are currently addressing a need for accomplishing your work in a formal or informal working group, please let us know! There is a question geared towards this at the end of the survey.

What to expect: This year we are offering a hybrid format so you can attend in-person or online. At the workshop, we will be engaging with the lists generated from this survey and initiate a planning process for next steps-- which may include facilitating the sharing of established BMPs, "write-shops" for BMPs that need articulation, and work plans for BMPs which need to be developed. There will also be presentations focused on integrating climate change into this process. The objective of this workshop is to better engage your programs with developing the resources that you want. Additionally we will be offering a hands-on Albizia risk mitigation and treatment session, along with an outreach and engagement section. A separate afternoon breakout session will be provided for our remote participants on Zoom.

If you have any questions please message Jesse Adams at We look forward to seeing everyone at this dynamic event!
Please use this EventBrite link to register.

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