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Bring your Idea to Life!

Calling anyone ready to take action on a world-changing idea to collaborate, create, and catalyze new tech for conservation!

Conservation X Labs is seeking bold ideas for technology solutions to conservation challenges. Aimed specifically at projects teams that are considering their first prototype, the Con X Tech Prize is granting 20 prototyping awards of $3,500 each to take your idea from blueprint to reality.

CXL is seeking novel and transformative tools to conserve the world’s biodiversity and end human-induced species extinctions. We will support ideas that help decision-makers, conservationists, consumers, resource managers, and policy makers understand and act on conservation problems.

We believe in radical collaboration, and the strongest solutions and project teams will draw from a handful of disciplines (e.g., behavioral sciences, engineering, computer science, molecular science, economics) and consider the impact, sustainability (financial and environmental), and scalability of their solution from the very beginning. We want to move from merely monitoring changing landscapes and species populations, to developing tangible solutions and creating real-life impact. We welcome hardware and software submissions, as well as any impactful solution idea that is enabled by technology and helps achieve a conservation outcome.

The potential benefits of your proof-of-concept can’t be understated; it can help your team validate a project idea, launch a successful crowdfunding campaign, net a strategic partnership, or even raise a successful seed investment.

But it doesn’t stop at the prototype. The 20 winners of the first stage of the competition will go on to compete in the Second Stage for the Grand Prize of $20,000!

Finalists from past rounds of the Con X Tech Prize included:

The only question is: what will you build?

Deadline to submit your idea is March 20, 2019.

submit a project here and to learn more



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