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Description of Event

In keeping with the 2019 theme of Wetlands and Climate Change, a forum with government, researchers, and community leaders will address the impacts of climate change on the wetlands of the Kailua ahupua‘a. This forum will be held at Holman Hall, Kailua United Methodist Church, from 10:00am until 12:00pm. In addition, free bus tours around Kawainui-Hāmākua and to Maunawili Valley give people an opportunity to explore these special places and to learn about the resources associated with the wetlands of Kailua. Space on the tours is limited and sign-up will be available at the event.

It will be held at Kailua United Methodist Church (1110 Kailua Road) from 9:00am to 2:00pm. On the church grounds there will be exhibits about wetlands and climate change, games and activities for the keiki, and poi pounding (ku‘i ‘ai) demonstrations. It’s a short walk to nearby Ulupō Heiau State Historical Park where there will be tours of the site, the restored lo‘i kalo, and cultural demonstrations.

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