Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

This summer internship program is open to undergraduate students at Hawai‘i Community College, UH Hilo, and UH Mānoa who are enrolled in Anthropology, Archaeology, Hawaiian Studies, or a related field. After reviewing the required application materials, and completing an interview with the program selection committee, up to 6 students will be chosen to participate in this paid summer internship. During this internship program, interns will engage in community-based ethno-historical research and cultural resource management projects on Kamehameha Schools lands in the moku of Hāmākua, Hawai‘i Island, with a particular focus on wahi pana associated with the mo‘olelo of ‘Umi-a-Līloa, the famous ali‘i of Hāmākua. Huliauapa‘a and Nohopapa Hawai‘i will be the primary mentor agencies for this program along with additional mentorship and support from local educators, professionals in the cultural resource management field, and cultural practitioners.


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