Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

We are excited to announce that the PIPES summer 2024 program application for interns and mentors will open on the Hilo moon of Makaliʻi, (Wednesday December 13th, 2023) and will close on the Lāʻaupau moon of Kaʻelo (Wednesday, January 31st, 2024).

Programming is expected to run from May 28th to August 2nd, 2024 with Hawaiʻi Island based internships only. Interns will experience cohort and mentored learning, work 40 paid hours a week, and build connections/networks throughout Hawaiʻi, the Pacific, and the world. 

It is our mission to grow, strengthen, and invest into the next generation of aloha ʻāina leaders throughout Hawaiʻi and the Pacific with transformative place-based internships and mentorship, innovative programming, pathways, and partnerships. 

If you have any questions or would like to connect further please reach out to our team!


For more information about Pacific Internship Programs for Exploring Science and this opportunity please visit our website at, contact us at (808) 932-7986 or via email at

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