Hawaiʻi Island
We are excited to announce that the PIPES summer 2023 program application will open on the next Hilo Moon (Thursday, 11/23/2022) and will close on the Huna Moon of Kaulua (Tuesday, 1/31/2023).
The summer 2023 program is expected to run from May 30th-August 4th, 2023 on Hawaiʻi Island only. Interns will experience cohort and mentored learning, work 40 paid hours a week, and build connections/network throughout Hawaiʻi, the Pacific, and the world.
It is our mission to grow, strengthen, and invest into the next generation of aloha ʻāina leaders throughout Hawaiʻi and the Pacific with transformative place-based internships and mentorship, innovative programming, pathways, and partnerships.
We offer a 10-week paid summer internships connecting under-represented undergraduate students, especially those who are Native Hawaiian or kamaʻāina, to agencies and organizations responsible for aloha ʻāina research, management, and education in Hawaiʻi and throughout the Pacific.
To apply visit: https://hilo.hawaii.edu/pipes/
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