Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

Partnering to support science and inform decision-making in the Pacific Islands

JIMAR – Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research

(in collaboration with NOAA PIFSC – Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center)

PacIOOS – Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System

Seize the unique opportunity to break ground in an innovative approach to making ocean and fisheries data and information more accessible for everyone as our JIMAR PacIOOS Data Applications Specialist (and yes, that is a lot of acronyms in the title, but don’t let that dissuade you from applying)!

The JIMAR PacIOOS Data Applications Specialist is a new full-time, exciting position supporting data management functions for JIMAR (at PIFSC) and PacIOOS. This includes designing, developing, and implementing new applications to make it easier for both employees and external stakeholders to more easily access information from both organizations. Our stakeholders rely on timely, reliable, accurate ocean and fisheries data and information to support their decision-making. This position will help make this possible by providing database support, coordinating data management tools and applications, and developing and implementing new ways to make data easy-to-access.

Strong programming, design and development skills, experience with relational database web applications and operational data management experience are essential for this position. We are looking for a detail-oriented, flexible, adaptive problem-solver with excellent communication and personal skills. Please use the link below to view all of the job qualifications.  Salary is commensurate with experience.

Upcoming initiatives for this position will include developing and implementing processes to improve the flow of scientific data from researcher to stakeholder and working with the team to identify priority data sets to configure for public consumption.

You will love this job at JIMAR because:

  • You will be making a difference in the lives of people across the Pacific Islands. 
  • You will engage with an extremely diverse group of people and cultures. 
  • You will be encouraged to be creative and innovative in how you succeed and meet PacIOOS program goals and objectives.
  • You will be part of an awesome team of talented and capable technicians, scientists, students, and programmers.
  • You will have flexible work hours in a relaxed and friendly work environment.
  • You will always have a new challenge to address. Ocean science and observing is extremely dynamic!


Although the RCUH application process may appear a bit overwhelming and time-consuming, please don’t let this dissuade you from applying!  Once you get past that stage, it is great to be an employee in the RCUH system.  Here are some teasers:

  • 21 vacation days every year and 21 sick days every year.
  • Stellar retirement plan through TIAA-CREF, a 403(b) plan.  RCUH contributes 10% of compensation once you meet eligibility requirements (1 year of service with RCUH), even if you contribute nothing!
  • UH/RCUH faculty/staff ID card with associated benefits on UH Manoa campus.

Here is why one employee loves working at JIMAR:

“JIMAR is a dynamic and exciting place to work.  There’s always something new and interesting going on whether it’s a research cruise, research projects, or outreach and education events.  The staff here are dedicated and motivated to understand our ocean ecosystems and to promote conservation and sustainability.  Even though “fisheries” is in our collaborating partner’s name, we do much more than research on fish and fisheries; coral reef ecosystems, protected species, economics, oceanography, climate change, marine debris, and advanced technology are just some of the other areas that JIMAR (in collaboration with PIFSC) specializes in.  I have worked on many projects throughout my time at JIMAR, and the most rewarding part of my job is seeing how my work contributes to the success of the NOAA Fisheries mission in the Pacific Islands region.”

And here is a quote from an employee who loves working at PacIOOS:

“I love how much PacIOOS and its employees value and respect the ocean. The team is always trying to expand what we offer, from new data sets, to new tools, to new outreach programs. Everyone is constantly doing everything in their power to help the public make better decisions related to the most prominent aspect of our lives, the ocean…No matter the field or specialty, whether programming, instrument technology, modeling, community outreach, or research, we all find a way to work together to make a difference. Even when things go wrong (like a buoy is run over!), PacIOOS keeps pushing forward. I have never worked with a group of people who are so patient and willing to help one another.”


JIMAR manages the Cooperative Institute for the Pacific Islands Region, one of 16 NOAA cooperative institutes nationwide. JIMAR’s mission is to conduct research that is necessary for understanding and predicting environmental change in the Pacific Islands Region, conserving and managing coastal and marine resources in island environments, notably the Hawaiian Islands and the U.S.-affiliated Pacific Islands, and supporting the region’s economic, social, and environmental needs. JIMAR is located at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, a research-intensive land-grant institution that maintains a service mission to the State as well as to the Pacific Islands Region. JIMAR is a unit within the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST), which has developed several centers of excellence in marine, atmospheric, and earth sciences that align substantially with the mission interests of NOAA.

About the PIFSC

The PIFSC of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The Center administers and conducts scientific research and monitoring programs that support the domestic and international conservation and management of living marine resources across the Pacific Islands Region. The Center has taken a leading role in marine research on ecosystems, both in the insular and pelagic environments. To learn more about PIFSC and its key research focus areas, please go to

About PacIOOS

At PacIOOS we believe that sustained ocean observing can help save lives and resources and protect livelihoods. Our mission is to empower ocean users and stakeholders in the Pacific Islands by providing accurate and reliable coastal and ocean information, tools, and services that are easy to access and use. Based within SOEST at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, PacIOOS is the Pacific Islands regional component of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®).  Visit our website ( to learn more about our program and the data, tools, and services we provide.


Apply Now!

To view the full job description, including details on Major Duties, Primary and Secondary Qualifications, and to apply online, please visit the RCUH website ( and enter Job ID# 16683.

CLOSING DATE:  January 13, 2017.  We look forward to hearing from you! 


For more information about Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) and this opportunity please visit our website at, contact us at 808/956- 5018 or via email at .

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