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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit are now accepting applications for the crew leader of the 12th Crazy Ant Strike Team (CAST XII) Expedition to Johnston Atoll National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). Johnston Atoll NWR is located in the central Pacific Ocean, 717 nautical miles west-southwest of Honolulu. The atoll comprises four small islands (696 acres), which constitute the only land area in over 750,000 square miles of ocean. The refuge is uninhabited except for the 5 members of the strike team.

In January 2010, an infestation of Yellow Crazy Ants (YCA), Anoplolepis gracilipes, was found affecting approximately 130 acres of the 630-acre Johnston Island. Local impacts to wildlife already observed on Johnston Island include the apparent desertion of the entire affected area by ground nesting birds (Red-tailed Tropicbird and Wedge-tailed Shearwater) that previously occupied those areas and a possible reduction in density and numbers of tree-nesting bird species (Red-footed Booby and White Tern) inside the area colonized by YCA. The potential for even greater impacts to the terrestrial ecosystem at Johnston Atoll is substantial if the infestation of YCA is left unchecked.

Efforts have been ongoing since August 2010; YCA numbers have been reduced by >99% and the seabirds have begun to return. A crew leader is being sought to lead a team of volunteers to continue the eradication effort and destroy the last 1% of the ants remaining on the island, monitor the returning seabird populations, and conduct other management activities.

Candidates for the Crew Leader position will ideally be available to start work in Honolulu, HI on April 18th 2016. Housing will be provided for the 6 week period that will be spent in Honolulu where the crew leader will assist with extensive trip preparations followed by an approximate 6-month deployment to the CAST field camp at Johnston Island starting in early June 2016. End date of the position is not yet determined but it is anticipated to be in mid-December 2016.

Duties: The crew leader will be responsible for training and supervising a crew of 4 volunteers in the performance of management activities that include:

•The implementation of established protocols to monitor ants, seabirds, shorebirds, sea turtles and marine reef ecosystems. 
•Camp and facilities maintenance including servicing of solar systems, generator and UTV’s 
•Supervise the preparation and application of pesticide baits. 
•Evaluate the ecological impacts of YCA within and outside the infested area before and after ant eradication efforts. 
•Submit weekly situation reports to project managers. 
•Submit a final trip summary report to project managers 
•Train and supervise volunteers in all skills and techniques necessary in the performance of biological field work and remote living.

It is imperative that candidates consider that Johnston is a remote site where all but emergency access is by ship, which takes 3-5 days to transit from Honolulu. No re-supply or ship visits during the 6-month camp are anticipated. On the island, transportation will primarily be by foot or bicycle with 1-mile daily commutes to the work site. Living conditions are primitive and consist of 10’x12’x6’ personal sleeping tents while a bunker is used for communal/food storage/kitchen and office areas. Weather conditions can be harsh with strong winds, tropical storms, and hot sun. Bathing and washing is done in the ocean. Communication with the island has proven to be reliable but primarily slow satellite internet access. However, this internet access cannot be guaranteed and team members must be prepared in case communications become limited to text only e-mail with no internet browsing capability. Direct medical attention is at minimum 1-3 days away. Safety in this remote setting is of primary concern and all individuals are expected to work together as a team to maintain good communication at all times.

•Must be available from mid-April 2016 through mid-Dec 2016 
•Must possess a bachelor’s or higher degree in a biological science or other natural resource management related field. 
•Must have at least 24 months of biological field work experience. 
•Must have 12-24 months of supervisory experience and be able to provide work direction and guidance to volunteers. 
•Must be an excellent communicator. 
•Must be comfortable with the use of pesticides. 
•Must have the ability to maintain facilities such as photovoltaic systems, generators propane appliances, utility vehicles and bicycles. 
•Must be able to follow established protocols. 
•Must be physically fit and able to walk 10 miles a day, lift and carry 70- lbs, ride a bicycle, swim and be able to perform repetitive stooping and bending motions. 
•Must be willing and able to work 48 hours per week/ 6 days per week. 
•Must possess a valid driver’s license that does not expire before June 2017. 
•Must possess a valid passport that does not expire before June 2017. 
•Must have experience with GIS tools and ArcGIS software. 
•Must be proficient in the use of MS Excel and Word programs.
• Must possess American Red Cross First Aid/CPR certification (within 3 months of hire).

The ideal candidate will: 
•Possess a graduate degree. 
•Have at least 6 years or more of extensive biological field experience. 
•Have extensive experience in remote camping and living, 
•Have experience with pesticide applications, integrated pest management plans, and possess pesticide application certifications. 
•Be proficient with GIS systems. 
•Have experience and training with advanced wilderness first aid. 
•Have basic or advanced knowledge and skills in carpentry, electrical repair, and small engine systems and repairs. 
•Have prior experience with seabird and shorebird identification and banding. 
•Have prior entomological survey and identification experience, especially with ants. 
•Be proficient in technical report writing.

The position will be open until filled but interviews will begin as early as January 18th, 2016. Submit a cover letter, resume, and at least 3 references to:


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