Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

Under guidance of field camp leader, field camp assistant, and/or NMFS personnel, assists in camp preparation, collection, entry and editing of data. Maintains a safe working environment for field personnel. Collects census and life history data on Hawaiian monk seals in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands or on remote shorelines in the Main Hawaiian Islands; enters data into computer databases; collects, inventories, and removes debris capable of entangling seals and turtles; assists with collection of tissue samples for DNA analysis; assists with tagging and measuring weaned pups under the guidance of field camp leader/assistant; may assist with the disentanglement of seals and other recovery actions which may include mitigation and deterrence of shark predation by assisting the leader/field camp assistant while translocating weaned pups from areas of high shark predation to areas of lower shark predation risk. This may also involve assisting the Field Camp Leader during fishing procedures by photographing, recording data, handing equipment and supplies to the leader, and holding the line taut, all while standing at a safe distance away. Also, assists with preparation of equipment and supplies for field camps; packs equipment and supplies for shipment to Northwestern Hawaiian Islands; loads and unloads gear from transport vessel; assists with establishing field camp at remote site. At the field site, again under guidance of field camp leader, field camp assistant, and/or NMFS personnel may assist with necropsies; collects and assists processing of scats and spews for food habits analysis. Participates in daily maintenance and operation of field camp. Assists with return, repair, and clean-up of field equipment and supplies. May participate in boating operations under the direction, and at the discretion of, the field camp leader. Performs other duties as assigned. 


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