Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

The employees of the National Park Service care for special places that are the heritage of all Americans. Since its inception in 1916, the National Park Service has been dedicated to the preservation and management of this country’s outstanding natural, historical, and recreational resources. Park Ranger – Interpreters connect people to parks. They play a key role in ensuring that visitors have a meaningful, satisfying, and safe park experience, help visitors decide how to spend their time in the park, and inform them about the wonders that await their discovery. Park ranger – interpreters are specially trained to engage the public so that each park visitor can find a personal connection with the meanings and values found in the places and stories of that park. They help visitors explore the many dimensions of parks by introducing them to a variety of perspectives. By providing the opportunity for visitors to care about the places they visit, they promote stewardship and the opportunity for those visitors to care for park resources. National parks are among the most remarkable places in America for recreation, learning, and inspiration. The work done by park ranger-interpreters through effective interpretive and educational programs encourages the development of a personal stewardship ethic and broadens public support for preserving and protecting park resources, so that they may be enjoyed by present and future generations. This is a full-time TERM position. Appointment to this position will not convey permanent status in the Federal service and will be for a period not to exceed 13 months, with the possibility of incremental extensions up to a total of four years without further competition. This position is Subject to Periods of Non-Pay, and is expected to be placed in mandatory non-pay status for a minimum of 2 weeks to a maximum of 6 months each year. Government Housing is not available.


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