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SUMMARY: The Preserve Operations Manager (POM) is an essential component of Limahuli’s management team. This position collaboratively leads, plans, implements, and manages grants, contracts and other projects—in both Lower Limahuli Preserve and Upper Limahuli Preserve—which are based on NTBG’s mission statement, Limahuli’s vision statement, and the Limahuli Preserve Comprehensive Conservation Strategy. This position works closely with the Science and Conservation Department to assure field work is completed according to institutional standards, and is in alignment with overarching strategic goals for the institution. The POM is the lead liaison with key stakeholders in the Preserve including but not limited to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Plant Extinction Prevention Program, Kaua`i Endangered Seabird Recovery Project, Kaua`i Island Utility Cooperative, independent contractors, and the Hā`ena community. This position also coordinates service-learning projects for volunteer, education, cultural, and community groups; as well as the logistical planning for researcher teams.


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