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Laukahi: the Hawai‘i Plant Conservation Network Network Coordinator - Position Description Laukahi, the Hawai‘i Plant Conservation Network, is an effort of conservation programs in our state to collaboratively implement the Hawai‘i Strategy for Plant Conservation (Strategy) to protect and secure Hawai‘i’s endangered flora and native ecosystems. A group of conservation agencies and organizations is working to formalize shared vision, goals and relationships to positively impact plant conservation in Hawai‘i. Laukahi, the Hawai‘i Plant Conservation Network, will implement the Strategy and meet its targets by: • Building relationships and communication among members • Supporting collective planning and shared goal-setting • Adopting standard language and metrics to monitor collective progress toward goals • Facilitating data sharing and information exchange • Enabling collaborative projects and efficient resource use • Creating opportunities to attract new funding sources The Laukahi network will invite all programs with conservation efforts in habitat protection (watershed protection, post-fire restoration, threat control, ecosystem health) and in rare plant recovery (ex situ facilities, research, outplanting, biodiversity preservation) in Hawai‘i to join in this collaborative effort to implement the Strategy. Laukahi will operate under guidance from an elected Advisory Board and a full-time Network Coordinator to lead the planning, project coordination, and collaborative work of the emerging network. Position Overview The Network Coordinator will help establish the Laukahi network and engage organizations and programs in a collective approach to conservation targets laid out in the Hawai‘i Strategy for Plant Conservation – Phase 1: increasing in situ collecting and ex situ capacity. The Network Coordinator will be supported by and report to the Advisory Board, and will play a connecting role within Hawai‘i’s conservation community. This position will be the public representative of the Laukahi network, an ambassador for plant conservation work in our islands and globally. The Network Coordinator must be able to build trust and respect within the established conservation community across all islands and to engage and mobilize a broad range of partners to reach toward the collective targets. This role requires a person with knowledge of native flora and Hawaiian ecosystems and strengths in building relationships, managing projects, and securing necessary resources. The Network Coordinator will have an opportunity to significantly impact Hawaii’s plant conservation efforts, and the ideal candidate will demonstrate a track record of achieving results and a passion for conserving our unique, endangered island ecosystems. Responsibilities: Laukahi is looking for a candidate who is best able to carry out the following duties: • Leadership. Build relationships with member organizations and engage them in the collective pursuit of goals and targets laid out in the Hawai‘i Strategy for Plant Conservation. Support members’ conservation work when appropriate and link it to the broader collective Strategy. In the first two years, the position will focus on gathering partners to execute identified projects around building ex situ capacity and enhancing quality and scope of ex situ collections for species of conservation importance. In later years, leadership will evolve to include setting the direction and plans for future network efforts. • Network Operation. Determine the structure, policies, procedures and network operating norms that will execute network goals and enable all participating members to have a voice in the network and contribute to coordinated projects. • Project Management. Coordinate and oversee the successful launch and completion of the initiatives and projects laid out in the Hawai‘i Strategy for Plant Conservation and the two-year Action Plan. Priority projects include building a shared database, leveraging relationships with global conservation partners, conducting a statewide curation pilot project, supporting the Hawai‘i Seed Bank Partnership and capacity building at other ex situ facilities, and implementing a plan to increase the amount of plant collections of native plants for their use in habitat restoration throughout the Hawaiian Islands. Some projects may require the Coordinator to play a more hands-on role in executing the work. • Supervision. Oversee temporary staff, contractors, consultants, vendors, and interns as needed to complete the projects in the Action Plan. • Communications. Serve as the primary representative for the network at conferences, gatherings, and events, both in Hawai‘i and globally. Oversee development of all communications approaches and materials to ensure the network conveys a vision and goals shared by members. • Fundraising. Write grants and solicit donors for network projects. Provide data and information to network members to facilitate their own fundraising. • Financial Accountability. Oversee financial record keeping, including providing direction to fiscal sponsor for grants management, accounting, and reports for funders. • Strategy and Planning. Evaluate progress of Phase 1, revise targets, and refresh the Action Plan with the input of participating network members. Lead the completion and writing of Phase 2 and Phase 3 strategies, and continue to develop and implement plans that reach the targets in the Strategy Desired Qualifications: • At least five years of professional experience in in situ management and ex situ storage of native Hawaiian plants, with a background in biology, botany, resource management, conservation in Hawai‘i • Understanding of and ability to communicate the urgent need for plant conservation in order to protect environmental resource, sustainability, and cultural heritage of our islands • Knowledge of native flora and plant conservation methods • Familiarity with Hawaii’s conservation community, as well as the national and international conservation movements • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to build strong relationships across diverse organizations • Demonstrated experience with managing complex groups of people working toward a common mission • Demonstrated project management skills; ability to manage multiple projects at one time • Successful fundraising experience, both through grant writing and donor solicitation • Experience negotiating with and managing vendors, consultants, and contractors • Excellent written and verbal communications skills • Proficiency in database utilization and MS Office applications, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint • Bachelor’s degree in scientific or conservation-related field • Must have a driver’s license, access to a car, interest in and ability to participate in field work, and the willingness to travel occasionally (interisland, national and international are all possible) Characteristics: • Strong people skills. Self-aware, respectful, humble, a good listener. • Ability to get things done. Creative, resourceful, persistent. • Ability to thrive with limited direction. Organized, independent, accountable, a self-starter. • Commitment to a vision of thriving native plants and island ecosystems. Location: The position will be based at the H.L. Lyon Arboretum in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, but the Coordinator will be required to travel to member organizations, ex situ facilities and network gatherings on neighbor islands. Employer: The Coordinator will be a full-time employee of Tri-Isle RC&D Council, Inc. Although the position reports to the Laukahi Advisory Council, the Coordinator will also be responsible to the Hawaiian Rare Plant Program at the H. L. Lyon Arboretum and all applicable employee policies and procedures, which will be outlined upon hiring. Compensation: This full-time position pays an annual minimum salary of up to $60,000 with full benefits. The majority of funds for the position are secured until 2017, but a significant part of the Coordinator’s responsibility will include a planning for and securing future funds for the full Laukahi budget. For more information: The ʻLAUKAHI NETWORK COORDINATOR RECRUITMENTʻ folder includes the Network Coordinator job announcement and job description pdfs: The ʻLAUKAHI: THE HAWAIʻI STRATEGY FOR PLANT CONSERVATIONʻ folder has the Hawaii Strategy Plan, Action Plan, the Executive Summary and the Network Announcement


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