Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking four (4) volunteers beginning November 9th, 2015 and continuing through June/July, 2016 to join the 11th expedition to Johnston Atoll National Wildlife Refuge as a part of the Crazy Ant Strike Team (CAST XI). The primary mission is to continue working towards eradication of the Yellow Crazy Ant (YCA), Anoplolepis gracilipes. These efforts have been ongoing since August 2010 and numbers have been reduced by 99%. Seabirds have begun to return, but YCA continue to persist on the island and negatively impact ground nesting birds. Johnston Atoll is located in the central Pacific Ocean, 717 nautical miles west-southwest of Honolulu, and is uninhabited, except for the four volunteers and one crew leader. The atoll’s four small islands constitute the only land area in approximately 750,000 square miles of ocean, making it critical seabird nesting habitat. Volunteers will have the rare opportunity to live in this remote setting surrounded by abundant birds and sea life. Duties and Responsibilities: Volunteers will be expected to work at least 48 hours/week, 6 days/week for 6 months straight on the island. Some projects will necessitate working evenings or consecutive days, including weekends. An additional month will be spent in Honolulu, HI where volunteers will pack and prepare gear, food, and all items necessary for field camp. While on Johnston Island, responsibilities include: • Ant bait and pesticide application and monitoring • Entomological surveys/bioassays • Seabird, shorebird, and sea turtle surveys • Data collection and management • Weekly and summary reporting • Camp maintenance and chores Special Considerations: Johnston is an extremely remote site, where all but emergency access is by ship, which takes 3-5 days from Honolulu. No re-supply or ship visits during the 6-month camp are anticipated. On the island, transportation will primarily be by foot or bicycle with 1-mile daily commutes to the work site. Living conditions are primitive and consist of 10’x14’x6’ personal sleeping tents while a bunker is used for communal/food storage/kitchen and office areas. Weather conditions can be harsh with strong winds, tropical storms, and hot sun. Bathing and washing are done in the ocean. Communication with the island has proven to be reliable but is limited to slow internet access and a satellite phone. However, the internet access cannot be guaranteed and team members must be prepared in case communications become limited to text only e-mail via the satellite phone with no internet browsing capability. Direct medical attention is a minimum of 1-3 days away. As such, safety in this remote setting is of primary concern and all individuals are expected to work together as a team to maintain good communication at all times. Requirements: Volunteers must be willing and able to work 48 hours per week. Must be physically fit and able to walk 10 miles a day over variable terrain, lift and carry 70 lbs, ride a bicycle, swim, and be able to perform repetitive stooping and bending motions. Strong, healthy bodies are critical. Must be able to perform all duties in various weather conditions including high heat and humidity, strong winds, and rain. Must be able to work well independently as well as closely in a small group, be easy-going with a good sense of humor, and flexible to changing conditions. All CAST members must follow rigorous pesticide and safety protocols. Qualified applicants must possess a valid passport that will not expire before September 2016. Possession of a valid U.S. driver’s license is preferred. Prior experience in the following is preferred, but not required: remote long term camping, invasive species control, shorebird and seabird identification and monitoring, entomological surveying, familiarity with GIS tools and software, data management, and pesticide application. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will provide: airfare to and from Honolulu, housing and a modest food stipend while in Honolulu, transportation between Honolulu and Johnston, island quarantine clothes, and food and housing on Johnston. The Honolulu stipend will not be paid up front so volunteers will need to have sufficient finances to provide for their own food during the one-month preparation period in Honolulu. Applications will be evaluated as they arrive and the positions will remain open until filled, though interviews will begin August 24th. Please include CAST XI Volunteer Application in the e-mail subject line. Please submit a cover letter, resume, and at least 3 references to Rebekah Karimi and Kevin Donmoyer.


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