Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

The position reports to the Assistant Director for Partnerships in planning, scheduling, implementing, and executing outreach strategy for the state, aimed at targeting a diverse audience, including but not limited to new and beginning farmers, organic and transitioning to organic farmers, small and limited resource farmers, women, specialty crop producers, Hispanic producers, veterans, and other special emphasis groups that are defined as traditionally underserved.

  • Develop, implement, and track a statewide outreach plan each fiscal year.

  • Serve as a specialist for outreach to traditionally underserved audiences and explain NRCS programs and policies for target audiences and underserved populations.

  • Assist in the development of specialized publications, talking points, presentations, and other communication materials to target the needs and priorities of individualized audiences throughout the state.

  • Coordinate with State Public Affairs Staff to prepare appropriate outreach materials and products, including but not limited to fact sheets, flyers, PowerPoint presentations, exhibits, brochures, video productions, talking points, etc.


For more information about USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and this opportunity please visit our website at, contact us at 202-401-0519 or via email at

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