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This Climate Action Coordinator supports City agencies’ management and implementation of the City’s Climate Action Plan (CAP), with a focus on leading the stakeholder engagement, administration, and contract and grant management for the 5-year update of the CAP. The Coordinator will work to increase affordable, accessible, equitable climate action solutions via direct project and policy support to reach the City’s greenhouse gas emission (GHG) reduction goals. This position reports to and works with the Energy Program Manager. This position is supported by a grant from the US Environmental Protection Agency Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program with support through mid-2027.

To apply, please send a 1-2 page cover letter, current resume, a relevant writing sample or work product, and list of three current references to Please highlight aspects of your experience that are relevant for this position and explain why you are interested in working with the City & County of Honolulu and CCSR.


For more information about Conservation Connections Job Manager and this opportunity please visit our website at, contact us at Contact Phone or via email at

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