Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

Provide supervision and management of the grounds staff, student assistants, interns and volunteers, ensuring that the grounds and trails are maintained to a high level of professional standards. Assist Botanist in inventories and monitoring of plant collections, recording the growth, phenology and status plant accessions, update maps and database, and rescue or deaccession unhealthy plants. Participate in policy and collections management with Director, Botanist and Horticulturist. In consultation with the Director and staff, supervise new plantings, considering the horticultural needs of the plants, theme of the area, ease of maintenance, insurance of survival, and aesthetics. Facilitate research and educational projects utilizing the arboretum’s extensive living collections and unique ecological and cultural site. Coordinate research and educational activities on the grounds to avoid negative impact to the landscape and plant collections, and to avoid conflicts between researchers and staff. Supervise staff and approved researchers with appropriate collection of plant samples Assist Arboretum Director in preparing and submitting grants to benefit and improve the use and quality of the living collections. Coordinate outreach activities such as stream cleanups, volunteer projects, workdays and training events, and invasive species surveys. Prepare popular and technical articles concerning the Arboretum’s plants, collections, and history. Support and participate in Arboretum special events such as open houses, dedications, and plant sales Assist Arboretum Director in serving as a spokesperson and representative for the arboretum. Ensure that accurate lists and maps are maintained and are tailored to the specific needs of staff and researchers. Familiarize visiting researchers with the Arboretum’s system of database and maps, and provide orientation so they can operate independently. Ensure that plants are photographed for documentation and identification purposes and that all photographs are catalogued for easy retrieval. When appropriate, identify plants for the public, for government agencies and the Poison Control Center and, provide advice to the public on choice and care of plants. Assist the plant sales program by helping propagator identify suitable plants in the field. Teach classes and workshops on plant identification, conservation, and other relevant topics Coordinates staff to bring plants to the greenhouse or tissue culture lab for rescue or propagation, removing them for out-planting, and alerting the botanist when plants that need vouchering are in flower Other duties as assigned


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