Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story

Duties Summary

The Planning Program Administrator I class administers a program of land use planning; or assists in the direction and coordination of the State's major program of public planning and the development and evaluation of program plans and activities; and performs other duties as required.

This class involves the overall administration of a program of public planning regarding statewide land use. The class also involves the work of a first assistant to the administrator of the State's major program of public planning with responsibility for assisting in directing and coordinating projects and work activities within and between the several major segments of the program in order to achieve valid and timely results. Work includes establishment of project schedules and insuring adherence thereto in all subordinate work units, and reviewing completed projects for soundness of conclusions and consistency of results. It also includes the review of operations and the improvement of all aspects of operations.

This position is located in the Department of Land and Natural Resources and serves as head of the Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands (OCCL). The OCCL functions to assure the protection and conservation, through judicious development and utilization, of the State's natural resources attendant to the land, including submerged land to ensure optimal long-term benefits for the people of Hawaii. The Office oversees the regulation and enforcement of land uses within the State Land Use Conservation District and serves as the foundation for the State's coastal erosion, beach protection and restoration efforts.

The duties and responsibilities of the position involve administering all programs of the OCCL which include processing major and minor Conservation District Use Applications, site plan approvals, and administrative rule amendments for subzone boundary of the Conservation District; investigating and enforcement of Conservation District violations; conducting contested case hearings; administering the State Coastal Lands Program; planning and implementing beach restoration projects; developing plans to mitigate coastal erosion hazards; developing departmental positions and comments on the impacts of proposed actions by federal, State, County and private projects; conducting special projects (e.g., policy development for shoreline hardening); and administering the Special Beach Restoration Fund


  • Posted On

    March 4, 2022
  • Closing Date

    March 21, 2022
  • Organization

    State of Hawaii DLNR
  • Location

    Honolulu, HI
  • Position Type

    Full Time
For more information about State of Hawaii DLNR and this opportunity please visit our website at, contact us at Contact Phone or via email at Contact Email.

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