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As an Ecosystem Restoration Field Worker, each successful applicant will conduct field work and occasional office work designed and planned by the Ecosystem Restoration Program Manager and Specialists. This will include, but is not limited to: controlling invasive, alien weeds across rare taxa habitat with chemical and mechanical tools, surveying for and mapping incipient weeds, documenting day-to-day field work, and maintaining gear/equipment. OANRP will provide training as needed to allow Field Workers to complete actions; this will include weed and native species identification, safe use of pesticides, and emergency response/first aid, and may include UXO and chainsaw training if deemed necessary. Management of tasks takes plans takes place mostly on Army lands and select partner agency lands. Some activities may require working in areas with UXO. Field Workers may work closely with military personnel and equipment. Ecosystem Restoration Field Workers may interact with personnel from agencies/contractors such as the State Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Koolau Mountains Watershed Partnership, Waianae Mountains Watershed Partnership, Oahu Invasive Species Committee and Honolulu Board of Water Supply. Temporary hires will work as a team with other natural resource workers. Person-to-person contacts are primarily with Ecosystem Restoration staff and co-workers. Temporary hires will be required to hike, backpack, and camp with OANRP staff in rugged terrain, possibly for up to four (4) days at a time. The OANRP will provide essential gear needed for this position. The applicant must also have reliable transportation to work site and possess a valid driver’s license.


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