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The Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research (JIMAR) works with the NOAA Fisheries' Marine Turtle Biology and Assessment Program (MTBAP) at the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center through a cooperative agreement with the University of Hawai'i to conduct research and recovery activities on the Hawaiian green sea turtle population in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI).  
JIMAR is currently seeking one (1) Field Camp Research Technician (via Job # 220541) to assist with MTBAP research conducted at a remote field site/s. Field teams work in groups of ~2-7 people at each site for ~4-6 months to study green sea turtles as part of a long-term annual population monitoring and conservation program. 
Serves as the senior person in a field research camp or on travel in the field. Leads field camp personnel in camp preparations, daily maintenance and operation of field camp, and collection of green sea turtle (honu) data at Lalo, or the French Frigate Shoals atoll, within the atoll, within the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM), which resides approximately 500 miles northwest of the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI). Primarily works at night to collect nightly census data of nesting females and identifies individual turtles through mototool of an alpha-numeric number on carapace, inserting passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags into flippers and Inconel metal flipper tags, contributing to a long-term dataset and life history of individuals. Excavates nest remains and records hatching success to aid in ongoing honu population studies. Collects tissue samples from honu of all life-stages for genetic and sex determination studies. Uses a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit to log and map the geographical distribution of basking turtles, nesting activities, and the contour of the islands. Takes thorough photographic documentation of individual turtles and the island environment. Ensures all necessary equipment and supplies for field research camps are prepared; packs equipment and supplies for transport to PMNM; loads and unloads gear from transport vessel; establishes field camp at remote site. Responsible for the return, repair, and cleanup of field equipment and supplies as well as for processing field data at the end of the field research season. Assists with Hawaiian monk seal field camp activities as assigned, and conducts boating operations at multiple island atolls. Position is located on an isolated PMNM and involves travel to remote shorelines throughout the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI). Will spend up to six (6) months camping on an isolated island, with only radio or satellite phone contact.
Approximately five weeks of full-time (40 hours/week M-F) training and preparation/packing in Honolulu will be required before deployment via ships to field sites. Once deployed, all food and lodging costs are covered for the entire duration. Living conditions are rustic (e.g., living in tents, bathing in the ocean, no internet or cell phone coverage, and limited communication with the outside world via satellite phone/email). The leader will work 6 days/week and more than 40 hrs/week, however, the position is eligible for overtime pay. Deployment to a remote field site is a serious undertaking. Delays in scheduled pick-up and drop-off dates due to weather or ship mechanical issues may occur, as well as long response times for emergency responses, including evacuation. For approximately one month after the end of the season, the leader will unpack, clean, and inventory gear and equipment as well as enter/validate data or complete other duties as assigned.  
This position closes Mon Dec 7th!


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