Become part of Hawaii’s conservation story


As part of the National Park Service's efforts to preserve, interpret and perpetuate traditional Hawaiian activities and culture at Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park, the incumbent controls alien and destructive plants in and around cultural, historical, archeological, and developed sites using mechanical and manual techniques. Vegetation management efforts will be conducted in and around significant sites throughout the Park in a safe and respectful manner, integrating Hawaiian cultural values and knowledge into resource stewardship practices. Incumbent will ensure proper use, maintenance, and repair of all tools and equipment. Incumbent will record field activities' data and maintain data sheets. Incumbent will identify and monitor native plants and record information as well as other data about physical conditions in the Park. Incumbent will locate plants during ground surveys. Incumbent will use traps and cages to control mongoose, cats, rats and other alien mammals. Incumbent will ensure that proper procedures for hazardous materials or waste handling and minimization are followed.

Special Notes: The Park's enabling legislation (Public Law 95-625) strongly encourages the employment of Native Hawaiians. (Native Hawaiians are defined as any lineal descendants of the race inhabiting the Hawaiian Islands prior to the year 1778).


How to Apply

To apply for this position: You must complete the occupational questionnaire and submit the documentation specified in the Required Documents section below. To receive consideration, the complete application package must be submitted by 11:59 PM (EST) on 05/28/2019. WE DO NOT ACCEPT HARD-COPY OR E-MAIL APPLICATION PACKAGES.

  1. Select Apply. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to login or create an account.
  2. Prompted to Start the Application Process by selecting "Start Application."
  3. Select or add the resume you want to use for this application. Click here on how to build a resume in USAJOBS.
  4. Select documents you want included in this application.
  5. Review package to acknowledge your documents were reviewed.
  6. Select if you want to include your demographic information.
  7. After reading and certifying the application is true and submitted in good faith, select "Continue to Agency Site."
  8. Follow onscreen prompts and instructions to complete your application.
  9. Add the supporting documents by indexing your documents with the dropdown.
    • Upload any missing required documents or optional documents.
  10. Review and Submit Application.
  11. While logged in, you can check the status of your application by selecting "+" next to the job title for this position.
  12. You can review or revise your application at any point during the open period of the announcement.
    • To update an application, you should log into your USAJOBS account and select "+" next to the job title for this position. Select "Update Application" for this job.
    • Note: When you click Update Application, you will be prompted to re-select your documents from USAJOBS. Documents submitted with the first application will no longer be associated with the applicant record. So it is important that you select all documents you want to use in the re-application.


To learn more and apply click HERE


For more information about Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park and this opportunity please visit our website at, contact us at Contact Phone or via email at

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