We are stewards and navigators of Hawaiʻiʻs environment. We believe that the betterment of humanity is inherently possible. And we believe that the perpetuation of the health and well being of our people is inextricably intertwined with the health and well being of our environment.
We acknowledge that the immense environmental issues facing the world are upon Hawai‘i. And so it is with a sense of urgency that we defy the role of ‘canary in the coalmine,’ and instead embrace the responsibility of being the guiding light out toward a healthier and safer future.
We support the environmental mission of the Worldwide Voyage of Hōkūle‘a and Hikianalia, knowing wholeheartedly our charge in preparing our ‘āina for future generations to live, thrive, and lead our changing world toward goodness. This is the voyage of our lifetimes, and we are steadfast in our commitment to achieve real improvements in the ways in which we care for our environment.
We will increase our management efforts, enhance them through the synergies to be found with each other, and accept the responsibility of Mālama Honua. We believe that by inspiring Hawaii’s residents to learn about, care for, and safeguard these islands, and by extension Island Earth, they will navigate the future of our island home toward vitality, renewal, and sustainability.
Today, with images of the Mālama Hawai‘i voyage fresh in our minds and strong in our spirits, we promise to create, sustain, and navigate a movement dedicated to a healthier ‘āina for future generations, one that is imbued with the goodness of Hōkūle‘a and the wisdom born of her legacy.
Over the next 48 months, the Worldwide Voyage will sail 49,000 nautical miles, touch the shores of 26 countries, and make safe harbor in 85 ports, while sharing Hawai‘i’s gift of kindness and legacy of caring with the world.
And thus, we the undersigned will participate in the Worldwide Voyage through our collective, collaborative environmental efforts, providing winds in the sails of Hōkūle‘a and Hikianalia as they circumnavigate Island Earth.
The strength of our commitment is demonstrated in this partnership, both unprecedented and necessary to Hawai‘i. We are strengthened with the knowledge that by working together, we can and will reach our shared destination – an environment worthy of our future generations.
This voyage is about changing our worldview of our relationship to these islands and our responsibility toward them. And in doing so, changing our relationship and responsibility toward each other. The commitments herein marks our voyage; a perpetual voyage that will be needed to protect and care for Hawaiʻi through lifelong work that goes beyond the four year Worldwide Voyage; one whose legacy for the undersigned will be to set the course for generations to come.
Together, with singular vision, we will use the following five commitments to navigate this voyage:
For complete list of Promise to Paeʻāina partners visit: http://www.hokulea.com/promise-to-paeaina/
Contact: LorMona Meredith
E-mail: Lormona@pvshawaii.org
Cell ph#: 808-387-5943